Sunday, August 28, 2016

Advanced gymnstics and ballet and strength and cardio work out (try it! do as much as you can and be easy on yourself. for the ones that requires a gym/gymnastics gym, make up creative exercises to replace them()

The warm-up: go on a run. Be creative. Add in knee ups, sashays (sideways running, swinging your arms), tuck jumps, cartwheels, split leaps, and switch leaps (start a half leap with one side, then switch in the air to the other side). Also try pike jumps (legs together) and straddle, hurdle, and do the jump with power. run  to a grassy field , your back yard, a gym, or a basement. Do stretches: side-splits, side-split rolls, front splits (stand in a straddle position, go on your heals, and lower your legs to the ground as far as you can go, pushing yourself a little bit, still being gentle so you don’t pull a muscle). Sit down in a straddle position and lean forwards with your back straight (level1:put your hands as far as they can go, leaning down. level 2: put your elbows on the ground, back flat. level 3: put your head on the ground. level 4: put your torso touching the ground and try to kiss the ground). Then stretch to each side with both side. Next, put one arm to the opposite side, and hold the other arm over your head on the other side - the side your arm isn’t on - and try to touch your side to your leg and your hand on your foot. do this on each side. Then stand up and do a standing straddle stretch, both sides. Next, stand with your feet and legs together, raise your arms above your head, then touch the floor. Then stretch your arms to prepare for the work-out.
The work-out (You already did a big cardio work-out, so be easy on yourself):

1. put your feet on a gym box, couch,or park bench. Then do as many triangle pushups as you can. Then do advanced froggers (feet on a raised surface): jump your feet in, back to push up position, then back in again. Do as many as you can. Then, your legs still on a raised surface, do as many regular pushups as you can. Then, go back to the raised surface froggers. Do as many as you can.
2. find monkey bars. Swing your feet up and put them on the second bar while you are holding the first bar. pull your chin and torso are up close to the bars, your chin in between the bars. do 20 reps, 3 sets (or 10 -15 reps, 2 to 4 sets). If you don’t have monkey bars, do a handstand, leaning your legs against a wall, and do as many handstand push ups as you can. If you want, you can do both the monkey bars and the hand stand push ups.
3. Jump up to the monkey bars and hold them and try to swing back and forth 20 times. It’s harder than it sounds. If you don’t have monkey bars, park bars, or gymnastics bars, do regular push ups. If you have a single bar, do 10-20 pullovers and try to do kips and cast handstands. once you are in a handstand on the bar, jump down with power, probably into a foam pit.  Then walk back and forth in the foam pit. This is hard, so it will strengthen your legs. If you don’t have the equipment, just walk around on your tippy-toes and do calf-raises. You can add walking on your toes on a beam or on the ground in addition to the bar and foam pit exercises, and do calf raises.
4. do 10 tuck jumps, straightening your feet in the air. do 3 sets.
5. do plie squat jumps (do a plie squat, then jump your legs together  in the air, then back to plie position as you go down).
6. do 20 plies.
7. do as many back bends from standing up as you can. Try to kick over, kicking one leg up and pushing off with the opposite leg. Also try to stand up. If you can’t do either, just rock back and forth, putting all of your weight on your shoulders, then all of your weight on your feet. This is a drill. rock back and forth 20 times, 3 to 5 sets. The next drill is to lift both hands up, put them down, lift them again. Try to do 5 reps, 3 to 5 sets.
8. You’re still warm. do the side-splits on each side, and do split rolls on both sides.
9. do 30 V-ups , 3 to 5 sets.
10. walk around with your knees bent, your butt close to the ground, your hands and feet on the ground. This strengthens your triceps. put ankle and wrist weights on if you have them.
11. do cartwheel-roundoffs (do a cartwheel, then instantly go into a round-off. After the round-off, lift your arms in the air and jump on your toes (this prepairs you for back-handsprings)).
12. If you have a thick mat, try a back handspring-back-layout-back-layout (all in a row). To do a back handspring, put your legs close together, squat, throw your hands up in the air as you jump in a back bend, catching yourself on your hands in a handstand, then jump onto your feet. To do a back layout, jump into a back bend, swinging your arms both to the side, and whip yourself over your head onto your feet. If you have a very thick mat with a mat underneath it, it’s safe to try this. Don’t try it on the grass.
13. Run and do a front handspring (if you can’t, do a front limber). If you’re scared, try it on a mat.
14. pick 3 kinds of ab exercises, and do them. Be creative. Gymnastics, ballet, and body-weight exercises are an art.
15. do bicep curls and shoulder presses. as many reps and sets as you can. Then do triceps exercises (hold a heavy weight in one hand above your head, then lower it behind your head. do it on both arms). Then, bend your knees, hold on to a table, bench, or chair, and slowly swing your arm behind you and up vertical to the ground, with a medium weight in your hand.
16. do spins. one with your knee by your other knee, one with your leg straight (if you can only do half to 3/4 its okay, its hard; then bend your leg behind you and bend your back and spin all the way around. do figure skating moves on the ground, like single toe-loops, bunny hops, and one-legged squats.

The cool-down: run around slowly, sashay, knee-ups, split leaps. Get a little warmer. Then do all of your stretches again. Then walk around until your heart rate goes down. Then lay down and meditate. Drink water and nourish your body with vegan protein.

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