Fun is just having a good time doing something not necessarily, going on a is exciting, joy is calming
and helps you find peace. joy is a peaceful happiness that comes when
you are being yourself doing thins that make you happy and then you
spread that happiness and help others so its not just "fun" its
"joy"....if you add love to fun...true agape unconditional love, its
Some people think doing evil things are "fun". But delusion and separation from God causes that. Evil can never bring joy, and if someone thinks it is, it is false joy, not real joy. The Bible says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance" (James 1:2-3). Psalm 47 says, "Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy." To have joy, you need true love. Fun is just playing around, and it's okay. Joy is so much more. Joy comes from God, and it is a gift from Above.
Believing in Jesus can bring great Joy. 1 Peter says, "Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressable and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." (1 Peter 1:8-9). Belief in Jesus brings joy. For gymnastics, I know that God helps me with it, so it brings me true joy.
In Proverbs, God writes, "The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing"(Proverbs 10:28) Devils think "killing" and "raping" is "fun" but they are deluded, and nothing to us. Just shun evil Refuse to laugh at their jokes; refuse to have anything to do with them.
Earlier in Proverbs, it says, "Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? At the highest point along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gate leading into the city, at the entrance, she cries aloud: 'To you, O people, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind. You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, set your hearts on it" (Proverbs 8:1-5). Wisdom produces joy. Later in Proverbs 8, it says that wisdom leads people to speak honestly. As a cherub, I know preaching and being honest and spreading Eternal Truth is joy.
2 John says, "I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use pen and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete" (2 John 12) It is a joy to lay outside and gaze up at the stars, talking to God. It is even more of a joy to Worship Him and to meet Him. He talks to us telepathically, in person, in signs, in songs, in movies, and in the Bible. One way to read the Bible is to close your eyes and pray, "Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Yahweh, and the Holy Spirit, please open my Bible with my hands to the part of it you want me to read. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen". Then open your Bible, and read it once, to get it in your head. Read it again, to try to understand it. Read it a third time, and ask God what He says it means. This is a spiritual workout. When you read the gospels, read about 4 paragraphs, then go back a couple paragraphs and read further, go back again, repeat, absorbing all of the Bible's Love and Joy and Truth. The Holy Bible is food - nourishment - for the soul. It brings us joy, and we all need it.
In Philemon, it says, "Your Love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the heart of the Lord's people" (Philemon 7). It is a joy to be loved by God. Just sit there filled with God's Love, and you will feel joy. When you do the Lord's Work...when you lead people to God, and serve Him, it produces joy, not fun. Fun is okay. Roller coasters, work outs (work outs can be both fun and joy), reading, etc. Fun is okay. It all turns into joy when you have Jesus. Just be - just being can bring great joy. Meditating, hanging with your breath, listening to all the sounds around you, meditating on the ground embracing your back like God's Love embracing you - all of this brings joy. And I wouldn't call meditation comes, but it is difficult sometimes. Try to do it. Sit or walk however you want, and change your focus. Focus on God, not on fun that gets in the way of other peoples' happiness (the fun that evil people embrace....I won't even say it, you can guess. Shun evil. Don't even talk about it...this "fun" isn't "fun" at is just pure evil.)
Anyways, loving Jesus brings us great joy. Shout it to everyone, sing it to everyone. Shout, sing, dance, be filled with joy.
That's all for now.
Rebecca <3 :)
I write stories about Angel, Twilight, Smallville, along with creative and sometimes political essays, poems, and wise ramblings based on my magical spirituality and connection to the Divine.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Advanced gymnstics and ballet and strength and cardio work out (try it! do as much as you can and be easy on yourself. for the ones that requires a gym/gymnastics gym, make up creative exercises to replace them()
The warm-up: go on a run. Be creative. Add in knee ups, sashays
(sideways running, swinging your arms), tuck jumps, cartwheels, split
leaps, and switch leaps (start a half leap with one side, then switch in
the air to the other side). Also try pike jumps (legs together) and
straddle, hurdle, and do the jump with power. run to a
grassy field , your back yard, a gym, or a basement. Do stretches:
side-splits, side-split rolls, front splits (stand in a straddle
position, go on your heals, and lower your legs to the ground as far as
you can go, pushing yourself a little bit, still being gentle so you
don’t pull a muscle). Sit down in a straddle position and lean forwards
with your back straight (level1:put your hands as far as they can go,
leaning down. level 2: put your elbows on the ground, back flat. level
3: put your head on the ground. level 4: put your torso touching the
ground and try to kiss the ground). Then stretch to each side with both
side. Next, put one arm to the opposite side, and hold the other arm
over your head on the other side - the side your arm isn’t on - and try
to touch your side to your leg and your hand on your foot. do this on
each side. Then stand up and do a standing straddle stretch, both sides.
Next, stand with your feet and legs together, raise your arms above
your head, then touch the floor. Then stretch your arms to prepare for
the work-out.
The work-out (You already did a big cardio work-out, so be easy on yourself):
1. put your feet on a gym box, couch,or park bench. Then do as many triangle pushups as you can. Then do advanced froggers (feet on a raised surface): jump your feet in, back to push up position, then back in again. Do as many as you can. Then, your legs still on a raised surface, do as many regular pushups as you can. Then, go back to the raised surface froggers. Do as many as you can.
2. find monkey bars. Swing your feet up and put them on the second bar while you are holding the first bar. pull your chin and torso are up close to the bars, your chin in between the bars. do 20 reps, 3 sets (or 10 -15 reps, 2 to 4 sets). If you don’t have monkey bars, do a handstand, leaning your legs against a wall, and do as many handstand push ups as you can. If you want, you can do both the monkey bars and the hand stand push ups.
3. Jump up to the monkey bars and hold them and try to swing back and forth 20 times. It’s harder than it sounds. If you don’t have monkey bars, park bars, or gymnastics bars, do regular push ups. If you have a single bar, do 10-20 pullovers and try to do kips and cast handstands. once you are in a handstand on the bar, jump down with power, probably into a foam pit. Then walk back and forth in the foam pit. This is hard, so it will strengthen your legs. If you don’t have the equipment, just walk around on your tippy-toes and do calf-raises. You can add walking on your toes on a beam or on the ground in addition to the bar and foam pit exercises, and do calf raises.
4. do 10 tuck jumps, straightening your feet in the air. do 3 sets.
5. do plie squat jumps (do a plie squat, then jump your legs together in the air, then back to plie position as you go down).
6. do 20 plies.
7. do as many back bends from standing up as you can. Try to kick over, kicking one leg up and pushing off with the opposite leg. Also try to stand up. If you can’t do either, just rock back and forth, putting all of your weight on your shoulders, then all of your weight on your feet. This is a drill. rock back and forth 20 times, 3 to 5 sets. The next drill is to lift both hands up, put them down, lift them again. Try to do 5 reps, 3 to 5 sets.
8. You’re still warm. do the side-splits on each side, and do split rolls on both sides.
9. do 30 V-ups , 3 to 5 sets.
10. walk around with your knees bent, your butt close to the ground, your hands and feet on the ground. This strengthens your triceps. put ankle and wrist weights on if you have them.
11. do cartwheel-roundoffs (do a cartwheel, then instantly go into a round-off. After the round-off, lift your arms in the air and jump on your toes (this prepairs you for back-handsprings)).
12. If you have a thick mat, try a back handspring-back-layout-back-layout (all in a row). To do a back handspring, put your legs close together, squat, throw your hands up in the air as you jump in a back bend, catching yourself on your hands in a handstand, then jump onto your feet. To do a back layout, jump into a back bend, swinging your arms both to the side, and whip yourself over your head onto your feet. If you have a very thick mat with a mat underneath it, it’s safe to try this. Don’t try it on the grass.
13. Run and do a front handspring (if you can’t, do a front limber). If you’re scared, try it on a mat.
14. pick 3 kinds of ab exercises, and do them. Be creative. Gymnastics, ballet, and body-weight exercises are an art.
15. do bicep curls and shoulder presses. as many reps and sets as you can. Then do triceps exercises (hold a heavy weight in one hand above your head, then lower it behind your head. do it on both arms). Then, bend your knees, hold on to a table, bench, or chair, and slowly swing your arm behind you and up vertical to the ground, with a medium weight in your hand.
16. do spins. one with your knee by your other knee, one with your leg straight (if you can only do half to 3/4 its okay, its hard; then bend your leg behind you and bend your back and spin all the way around. do figure skating moves on the ground, like single toe-loops, bunny hops, and one-legged squats.
The cool-down: run around slowly, sashay, knee-ups, split leaps. Get a little warmer. Then do all of your stretches again. Then walk around until your heart rate goes down. Then lay down and meditate. Drink water and nourish your body with vegan protein.
The work-out (You already did a big cardio work-out, so be easy on yourself):
1. put your feet on a gym box, couch,or park bench. Then do as many triangle pushups as you can. Then do advanced froggers (feet on a raised surface): jump your feet in, back to push up position, then back in again. Do as many as you can. Then, your legs still on a raised surface, do as many regular pushups as you can. Then, go back to the raised surface froggers. Do as many as you can.
2. find monkey bars. Swing your feet up and put them on the second bar while you are holding the first bar. pull your chin and torso are up close to the bars, your chin in between the bars. do 20 reps, 3 sets (or 10 -15 reps, 2 to 4 sets). If you don’t have monkey bars, do a handstand, leaning your legs against a wall, and do as many handstand push ups as you can. If you want, you can do both the monkey bars and the hand stand push ups.
3. Jump up to the monkey bars and hold them and try to swing back and forth 20 times. It’s harder than it sounds. If you don’t have monkey bars, park bars, or gymnastics bars, do regular push ups. If you have a single bar, do 10-20 pullovers and try to do kips and cast handstands. once you are in a handstand on the bar, jump down with power, probably into a foam pit. Then walk back and forth in the foam pit. This is hard, so it will strengthen your legs. If you don’t have the equipment, just walk around on your tippy-toes and do calf-raises. You can add walking on your toes on a beam or on the ground in addition to the bar and foam pit exercises, and do calf raises.
4. do 10 tuck jumps, straightening your feet in the air. do 3 sets.
5. do plie squat jumps (do a plie squat, then jump your legs together in the air, then back to plie position as you go down).
6. do 20 plies.
7. do as many back bends from standing up as you can. Try to kick over, kicking one leg up and pushing off with the opposite leg. Also try to stand up. If you can’t do either, just rock back and forth, putting all of your weight on your shoulders, then all of your weight on your feet. This is a drill. rock back and forth 20 times, 3 to 5 sets. The next drill is to lift both hands up, put them down, lift them again. Try to do 5 reps, 3 to 5 sets.
8. You’re still warm. do the side-splits on each side, and do split rolls on both sides.
9. do 30 V-ups , 3 to 5 sets.
10. walk around with your knees bent, your butt close to the ground, your hands and feet on the ground. This strengthens your triceps. put ankle and wrist weights on if you have them.
11. do cartwheel-roundoffs (do a cartwheel, then instantly go into a round-off. After the round-off, lift your arms in the air and jump on your toes (this prepairs you for back-handsprings)).
12. If you have a thick mat, try a back handspring-back-layout-back-layout (all in a row). To do a back handspring, put your legs close together, squat, throw your hands up in the air as you jump in a back bend, catching yourself on your hands in a handstand, then jump onto your feet. To do a back layout, jump into a back bend, swinging your arms both to the side, and whip yourself over your head onto your feet. If you have a very thick mat with a mat underneath it, it’s safe to try this. Don’t try it on the grass.
13. Run and do a front handspring (if you can’t, do a front limber). If you’re scared, try it on a mat.
14. pick 3 kinds of ab exercises, and do them. Be creative. Gymnastics, ballet, and body-weight exercises are an art.
15. do bicep curls and shoulder presses. as many reps and sets as you can. Then do triceps exercises (hold a heavy weight in one hand above your head, then lower it behind your head. do it on both arms). Then, bend your knees, hold on to a table, bench, or chair, and slowly swing your arm behind you and up vertical to the ground, with a medium weight in your hand.
16. do spins. one with your knee by your other knee, one with your leg straight (if you can only do half to 3/4 its okay, its hard; then bend your leg behind you and bend your back and spin all the way around. do figure skating moves on the ground, like single toe-loops, bunny hops, and one-legged squats.
The cool-down: run around slowly, sashay, knee-ups, split leaps. Get a little warmer. Then do all of your stretches again. Then walk around until your heart rate goes down. Then lay down and meditate. Drink water and nourish your body with vegan protein.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Elvish Heartbreak
I am filled with God's love, and my love for my soulmate. I thought my soulmate wasn't in love with me, so I felt elvish heartbreak. The symptoms are muscle pains and weakness, coldness, weakness, chest pains, agonizing body pains and dull aches, and headaches. It comes and goes. When it's gone, I wonder if I'm still in love with my soulmate. I feel numb and empty. Then I listen to Hillary Scott's song "Thy Will be done" and I am filled with sadness instead of emptiness, and that sadness turns into joy and love for my soulmate. God fills me with love. Then I feel numb again. Then I feel my soulmate's alcohol withdrawal. I text him and call him and he never responds. I'm frustrated. Sad. Empty. Feeling hopeless. I don't know what to do. I feel sad and weary. It will happen to force me and my soulmate to be together, until he stops being invisible. I met him many times. He's my twin. We met in the womb. We were conjoined by the head in the womb, so we share brain tissue, and we consider ourselves identical-identical twin soulmates. I know he loves me (I saw him leap, and yesterday he was pushing me on the swing. We felt like we were kids again. We are.).
We share joy and pain. Love remains. i know God will fix my relationship with Stephen. I trust His wisdom above my own. I am writing about my feelings instead of cutting myself. I am trying not to be addicted to it.
Rebecca <3 :)
We share joy and pain. Love remains. i know God will fix my relationship with Stephen. I trust His wisdom above my own. I am writing about my feelings instead of cutting myself. I am trying not to be addicted to it.
Rebecca <3 :)
autism and self-harm (self-love)
Sometimes, it's hard to feel. It doesn't mean you're a sociopath. It's a symptom of autism. It makes it hard to talk to people.. Its more than shyness, just like depression is more than sadness. It makes you freak out when things feel wrong. I bang my head and kick my legs and scream. I scream the pain out.
I've cut myself for a trillion years. I've taken 100 year breaks. I do it because I can't cry. I can't feel, so i feel pain, and it helps me love myself. I don't do it to hurt myself. Sometimes, I just love the sensation of pain on my arm. It doesn't mean crazy. It's just a part of who I am. Now that I know who I am (I forgot myself for around 30 years when I was stolen from my father), God heals my cuts really quickly and that helps me believe. I clean them and take care of them.
Some people carve "hate" or "fat" or "gross" on their body. I cut a butterfly on my upper arm, and "I am strong" on my leg. Sometimes I feel like the pain makes me stronger. I cut "cherish" on my leg as a reminder to cherish myself and God and all my friends and the universe God made for all of His children.
It's addictive, though. I try to do it only two or three times a week, but I already did it three days in a row. i've been sad and lonely and I need it. I know I will re-learn how to control myself. I don't know what is worse: banging my head and screaming and getting a concussion, or cutting myself just to see blood on my arm, reminding myself I'm not underground dreaming. I don't want to wake up outside or underground kicking or screaming.
That's all for now. I'm going to try to study the Bible later and then I'll post again.
Rebecca <3:)
I've cut myself for a trillion years. I've taken 100 year breaks. I do it because I can't cry. I can't feel, so i feel pain, and it helps me love myself. I don't do it to hurt myself. Sometimes, I just love the sensation of pain on my arm. It doesn't mean crazy. It's just a part of who I am. Now that I know who I am (I forgot myself for around 30 years when I was stolen from my father), God heals my cuts really quickly and that helps me believe. I clean them and take care of them.
Some people carve "hate" or "fat" or "gross" on their body. I cut a butterfly on my upper arm, and "I am strong" on my leg. Sometimes I feel like the pain makes me stronger. I cut "cherish" on my leg as a reminder to cherish myself and God and all my friends and the universe God made for all of His children.
It's addictive, though. I try to do it only two or three times a week, but I already did it three days in a row. i've been sad and lonely and I need it. I know I will re-learn how to control myself. I don't know what is worse: banging my head and screaming and getting a concussion, or cutting myself just to see blood on my arm, reminding myself I'm not underground dreaming. I don't want to wake up outside or underground kicking or screaming.
That's all for now. I'm going to try to study the Bible later and then I'll post again.
Rebecca <3:)
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Work out time
The warm up: run around. do sashays, swinging your arms. do knee ups
running around. run around with super-speed. do straddle jumps and pike
jumps. Try back walkovers and back limbers. Go into a back-bend from
standing and rock back and forth. Try to stand up. do more straddle
jumps and pike jumps. Walk around on your toes and swing one leg
forwards, then backwards. do the reverse: swing the leg backwards, then
forwards. repeat with the other foot. do as many sets as you can, with
as many reps as you can. Then do back bend jumps trying to get your feet
to your head, leaning your head back. Then run around again. Then
The workout: put your feet on a box, couch, or bench. do as many triangle push-ups as you can. rest for 30 seconds, and repeat. do 3-5 sets. repeat with regular push ups. Next, stand on your toes and jump 30 times. Then stand on your right leg, your left leg bent at a 90 degree angle off the ground. jump as many times you can. Then switch legs. Ask God to make you do back flips, back handsprings, back layouts, front layouts, front aerials - if you have a thick mat, try it yourself. watch tutorials on youtube. Next, do as many clap push ups from the ground. Then, put your legs on a couch, box, or bench, and do clap push ups. Next, go in a push up position, and jump your feet together, then jump them wide. do a push up, then jump your feet together again, and jump them wide. repeat. then do wide arm pushups (both on the ground and with your feet on a raised surface). Then do one legged pushups (both on the ground and with your feet on a raised surface.) Next, go into a push up position, and walk your hands out as far as they can go, and hold the position. walk them back in, and walk them back out. repeat. do 10 reps, 3-5 sets. Then to 30 V-ups. Then do spider-crawls.
The cool-down: jump rope. If you don’t have a jump rope, just jump on your toes. walk with super-speed. do knee ups and leg kick backs. run a little. stretch again. Then walk around to cool down (lower your heart-rate) this until you catch your breath and cool down (heart rate returns to normal...around 65. During cardio your heart rate should be in-between 70 and 75. Rest for five hours and then go on a run and do lateral shoulder raises as slowly as you can. be creative and get a second workout in. stretch and then cool down.
NOURISH YOUR BODY. Nutrition and clean water. Meditate and your Bible. You need a spiritual workout too.
Rebecca :)
The workout: put your feet on a box, couch, or bench. do as many triangle push-ups as you can. rest for 30 seconds, and repeat. do 3-5 sets. repeat with regular push ups. Next, stand on your toes and jump 30 times. Then stand on your right leg, your left leg bent at a 90 degree angle off the ground. jump as many times you can. Then switch legs. Ask God to make you do back flips, back handsprings, back layouts, front layouts, front aerials - if you have a thick mat, try it yourself. watch tutorials on youtube. Next, do as many clap push ups from the ground. Then, put your legs on a couch, box, or bench, and do clap push ups. Next, go in a push up position, and jump your feet together, then jump them wide. do a push up, then jump your feet together again, and jump them wide. repeat. then do wide arm pushups (both on the ground and with your feet on a raised surface). Then do one legged pushups (both on the ground and with your feet on a raised surface.) Next, go into a push up position, and walk your hands out as far as they can go, and hold the position. walk them back in, and walk them back out. repeat. do 10 reps, 3-5 sets. Then to 30 V-ups. Then do spider-crawls.
The cool-down: jump rope. If you don’t have a jump rope, just jump on your toes. walk with super-speed. do knee ups and leg kick backs. run a little. stretch again. Then walk around to cool down (lower your heart-rate) this until you catch your breath and cool down (heart rate returns to normal...around 65. During cardio your heart rate should be in-between 70 and 75. Rest for five hours and then go on a run and do lateral shoulder raises as slowly as you can. be creative and get a second workout in. stretch and then cool down.
NOURISH YOUR BODY. Nutrition and clean water. Meditate and your Bible. You need a spiritual workout too.
Rebecca :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
An advanced workout:cardio and strength training
Warm-up: run around in a square 20 times. Then do knee ups in a
square 20 times. Then jump rope as log as you can. (if you don’t have
one, get on your toes and jump) After wards, go in a pushup position,
and kick your feet in and out, like when you do jumping jacks. Then jump
rope again. Then run around in a square for thirty times. Do knee ups
in a square 30 times. then sashy in a square, swinging your arms, 20
times. Then stretch: do side-splits. To prepare, go on your knee on the
ground and go into a lunge. try to put your elbows on the ground by your
leg. Then pull the leg back, sit on your knee, and straighten your leg.
Then go into your splits, and do a split roll. Then repeat on the other
side. Then go on your heals and do front splits,sliding down as far as
you can. Put your elbows on the ground and lean forwards. Then slowly
lower your body and sit in a straddle position. Lean forwards with your
back straight and try to kiss the groiund. Then stretch to each side, in
two different ways: 1. reach both hands towards one leg, lean your
torso on your leg. then do it on the other side.. 2. put one arm towards
the opposite leg by the leg, and put your arms over your head and try
to touch your toes. Then repeat on the other side. Then do a pike
stretch, trying to touch your toes and touch your body to your legs.
Then stand up and do stnding straddle stretches and standing pike
The workout: (strength training part. It was an advanced, long warm up.)
1. get in push up position and kick your legs in and back, like in jumping jacks. do 30. repeat, and do a push up in between each pne this time. Kick your feet in and out, in, and do a pushup, repeat. do 2 sets of both.
2. If you don’t have weights, use books as weights and ask God to make them heavier. Do bicep curls with your palms up, 30 times. Then do a different kind of biceps curl with your hands sideways, 30 times. do two sets of each.
3. put your feet on a couch, raised mat, or gym box. do 30 pushups. Then do the same thing, and do as many triangle push ups as you can.
4. do box jumps, if you have a box at a gym. jump high, onto the box with your knees a little bent, and jump off. do as many as you can, then rest for thirty seconds, and repeat. do 3 sets.
5. put your legs on a box, and put your body on the ground. lift your butt and back. To make it more advanced, hold weights, and do chest presses while you are doing the exercises. repeat, and hold weights and swing your arms back while you do the exercise. I did something different once, I just can’t remember what it was. Make things up and be creative: let sports and exercise be an art.
6. do as many V-ups as you can. do 3 sets, and rest in between.
7. do one legged pushups, with one leg bent and up in the air vertical to the ground to train your butt while you’re training your arms. repeat on the other side. rest, and do 3 sets.
8. sit in a straddle stretch and put your hands in the middle. lift one leg ten times, then hold it in the air for 30 seconds. Then pulse it 20 times. lower it, and repeat on the other side. Then, try to do it with both legs at the same time. do2 sets of each.
9. do regulat squats, doing bicep curls at the same time.
10. do jumping switching lunges. do a lunge, jump up, switch to the other side into a lunge. do 10 to 20 reps, 2 to 4 sets.
11. roll into a candle stick (head and neck on the ground, body up vertical to the ground), and roll your legs behind your hed touching the floor, and back. do 20 reps, 2 sets
12. cardio time! Repeat the warm up, or go on a run. do knee ups and super-speed running during the run. go on your legs legs bent, butt close to the ground, and jump around, without your hands on the ground. do fast bear jump/crawls. Go on your hands and legs, and jump your feet to your legs as fast as you can. do as many as you can. do spider crawls. try to go backwards too. run more. do some gymnastics if you can, and dance around.
13. Find a place to stretch. repeat the warm up stretches. Walk around fast, then slowly slow down. Then just lay on your back, palms up in an angle by your body, and meditate. Focus on how the ground feels like on your back, supporting you and loving you. listen to all the sounds you can hear, and your breath if it doesn’t scare you. Then take deep breaths, in through your nose, out through your mouth. Then stop controlling your breath, and say, “Breath of God, breathe on me.” Focus on your surroundings and rest.
If you can’t do this, it definitely DOES NOT mean you’re “not skinny enough”. Nourish your body after the workout. Drink lots of water, and eat two vegan protein bars. Be active even when you’re not training/doing a work out. This work out is intended to help you gain muscle and burn fat. Eat enough calories to gain muscle, and don’t burn too much fat. Cardio isn’t just for losing weight: it’s also really good for the heart (it trains the heart). I think it trains your breath too. Eat some goji berries, acai berry juice, honey crisp apples, blueberries, a banana (I hate bananas, but you might like them). Strawberries: they have ellagin, which destroys cancer cells. grapes, they have reservatol, which is good for the heart. Study nutrition and eat organic, healthy food. drink a lot of water and decaf coffee and tea. both are good for the heart (caffeine is bad for the heart, it makes the heart race and could give you an arrithmia.). earth decaf has caffeine and chemicals, but 90% of the coffee in heaven is true decaff. Pray God takes the caffeine out, and makes your food organic as you chew it.
It’s okay to workout every day; it’s okay to have rest days. Listen to your body.
The workout: (strength training part. It was an advanced, long warm up.)
1. get in push up position and kick your legs in and back, like in jumping jacks. do 30. repeat, and do a push up in between each pne this time. Kick your feet in and out, in, and do a pushup, repeat. do 2 sets of both.
2. If you don’t have weights, use books as weights and ask God to make them heavier. Do bicep curls with your palms up, 30 times. Then do a different kind of biceps curl with your hands sideways, 30 times. do two sets of each.
3. put your feet on a couch, raised mat, or gym box. do 30 pushups. Then do the same thing, and do as many triangle push ups as you can.
4. do box jumps, if you have a box at a gym. jump high, onto the box with your knees a little bent, and jump off. do as many as you can, then rest for thirty seconds, and repeat. do 3 sets.
5. put your legs on a box, and put your body on the ground. lift your butt and back. To make it more advanced, hold weights, and do chest presses while you are doing the exercises. repeat, and hold weights and swing your arms back while you do the exercise. I did something different once, I just can’t remember what it was. Make things up and be creative: let sports and exercise be an art.
6. do as many V-ups as you can. do 3 sets, and rest in between.
7. do one legged pushups, with one leg bent and up in the air vertical to the ground to train your butt while you’re training your arms. repeat on the other side. rest, and do 3 sets.
8. sit in a straddle stretch and put your hands in the middle. lift one leg ten times, then hold it in the air for 30 seconds. Then pulse it 20 times. lower it, and repeat on the other side. Then, try to do it with both legs at the same time. do2 sets of each.
9. do regulat squats, doing bicep curls at the same time.
10. do jumping switching lunges. do a lunge, jump up, switch to the other side into a lunge. do 10 to 20 reps, 2 to 4 sets.
11. roll into a candle stick (head and neck on the ground, body up vertical to the ground), and roll your legs behind your hed touching the floor, and back. do 20 reps, 2 sets
12. cardio time! Repeat the warm up, or go on a run. do knee ups and super-speed running during the run. go on your legs legs bent, butt close to the ground, and jump around, without your hands on the ground. do fast bear jump/crawls. Go on your hands and legs, and jump your feet to your legs as fast as you can. do as many as you can. do spider crawls. try to go backwards too. run more. do some gymnastics if you can, and dance around.
13. Find a place to stretch. repeat the warm up stretches. Walk around fast, then slowly slow down. Then just lay on your back, palms up in an angle by your body, and meditate. Focus on how the ground feels like on your back, supporting you and loving you. listen to all the sounds you can hear, and your breath if it doesn’t scare you. Then take deep breaths, in through your nose, out through your mouth. Then stop controlling your breath, and say, “Breath of God, breathe on me.” Focus on your surroundings and rest.
If you can’t do this, it definitely DOES NOT mean you’re “not skinny enough”. Nourish your body after the workout. Drink lots of water, and eat two vegan protein bars. Be active even when you’re not training/doing a work out. This work out is intended to help you gain muscle and burn fat. Eat enough calories to gain muscle, and don’t burn too much fat. Cardio isn’t just for losing weight: it’s also really good for the heart (it trains the heart). I think it trains your breath too. Eat some goji berries, acai berry juice, honey crisp apples, blueberries, a banana (I hate bananas, but you might like them). Strawberries: they have ellagin, which destroys cancer cells. grapes, they have reservatol, which is good for the heart. Study nutrition and eat organic, healthy food. drink a lot of water and decaf coffee and tea. both are good for the heart (caffeine is bad for the heart, it makes the heart race and could give you an arrithmia.). earth decaf has caffeine and chemicals, but 90% of the coffee in heaven is true decaff. Pray God takes the caffeine out, and makes your food organic as you chew it.
It’s okay to workout every day; it’s okay to have rest days. Listen to your body.
True healing
God still heals today. Before the second coming, He heals people from afar when people constantly pray. Today, it's the second coming. He healed even before Jesus came to Earth as a baby. Jeremiah writes, "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for You are the One I praise." (Jeremiah 17:14). The King James Bible writes, "Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth" (Jeremiah 33:6) The NIV Bible says, "Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security" (Jeremiah 33:6) (This verse comes from a Heaven Bible).
in John 4, Jesus healed a sick son. We are all adopted sons and daughters of God. The son of a royal official's fever left him. Jesus writes, "Then Jesus said to him, 'Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.' At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked." (John 5:8-9). If you are depressed and numb, and find worship hard, and find belief hard to come, GET UP. Pray, "Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me. Please help me with my disbelief." Get up and walk. This is a metaphor for spiritual health too. Listen to Christian music, pray, read the Bible, read devotionals, and write in your journal. Ask God to speak with you, and write down what He says. Take up your mat and walk.
God writes, "..for Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there" (John 5: 13b) Do your good works in secret: volunteer, save lives (stop a car from hitting someone, for example), pray secretly, donate clothes, preach to people....don't take credit. Be a superhero. Heal, with God's power in your hands. Call it healing touch, not reiki. Reiki is hindu. Jesus healed on the Sabbbath: God's resting day. Jesus is God: to Him, healing people is true rest. On the Sabbath (Sunday), God works, filled with joy, and we rest, worshiping, mediating, watching Christian TV, etc.
What does it mean to rest? It means to feel true healing and restoration. Ask God to renew your mind and heal you. God writes in James, "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven." (James 5:15). God defeated death on the cross. "Raised up" means getting up, loving yourself, and being healed. There is no such thing as an unforgivable sin. God never gives up on the people He made. God is an artist: He heals the evil, and gives them goodness repeatedly until they finally accept God's gift of Love.
That's all for now,
Rebecca <3 :)
in John 4, Jesus healed a sick son. We are all adopted sons and daughters of God. The son of a royal official's fever left him. Jesus writes, "Then Jesus said to him, 'Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.' At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked." (John 5:8-9). If you are depressed and numb, and find worship hard, and find belief hard to come, GET UP. Pray, "Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me. Please help me with my disbelief." Get up and walk. This is a metaphor for spiritual health too. Listen to Christian music, pray, read the Bible, read devotionals, and write in your journal. Ask God to speak with you, and write down what He says. Take up your mat and walk.
God writes, "..for Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there" (John 5: 13b) Do your good works in secret: volunteer, save lives (stop a car from hitting someone, for example), pray secretly, donate clothes, preach to people....don't take credit. Be a superhero. Heal, with God's power in your hands. Call it healing touch, not reiki. Reiki is hindu. Jesus healed on the Sabbbath: God's resting day. Jesus is God: to Him, healing people is true rest. On the Sabbath (Sunday), God works, filled with joy, and we rest, worshiping, mediating, watching Christian TV, etc.
What does it mean to rest? It means to feel true healing and restoration. Ask God to renew your mind and heal you. God writes in James, "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven." (James 5:15). God defeated death on the cross. "Raised up" means getting up, loving yourself, and being healed. There is no such thing as an unforgivable sin. God never gives up on the people He made. God is an artist: He heals the evil, and gives them goodness repeatedly until they finally accept God's gift of Love.
That's all for now,
Rebecca <3 :)
How to worship on your own, at home
How to worship on your own, at home, if for some reason you can’t go to church:
1. warm up by listening to your favorite song. Dance around. Thank God for waking you up and for giving you joy.
2. Get a dress on, if you’re female. Other people are worshiping Sunday morning, so it will be easier.
3. Take your Bible and your favorite journal.
4. Listen to christian songs and sing along: both out-loud and telepathically. YOU CAN EFFECT CHURCH from afar.
5. Ask God what part of the Bible He wants you to read. One way to do this is, close your eyes, put your hands together, and let your soul pray. Be quiet and listen. Then pray, “:Dear Lord Jesus, Yahweh, and the Holy Spirit, please possess my hands when I open the Bible, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.” Amen means something like, “God’s will be done, so be it.” Then open your Bible and read. Write some of it down in your journal (this will help you memorize it). Try to interpret it. Read one chapter of the New Testament, and one chapter of the Old Testament. Read more if you feel up to it. Write a devotional blog if you want (basically a written sermon).
6. Listen to christian songs again, singing along, both out-loud and telepathically. Meditate on the music. Sway, and be filled with Jesus’s Love. Ask Jesus to come into your heart.
7. Find a sermon to listen to online. Listen and take notes. If it isn’t speaking to you, try a different one. Try to listen for at least 10 minutes.
8. Make communion. Take out bread and grape juice. Kneel down, and pray: “Dear Lord Jesus, please turn this grape juice into your blood (communion, not real blood), and please turn this bread into your body (again, communion, not cannabilism). Then break the bread, rip a peace off, and dip it into the grape juice and eat it, and pray, “Thank you Jesus.” Kneel down and pray for your heart’s desires, for the world, for other people, ask God to heal all diseases, pray everyone that exists become perfectly good so Jesus can be the only government.
9. look up choir music. Listen to it.
10. meditate. sitting, laying down, however you want to. Focus on how the ground feels, supporting you. Focus on all the sounds you hear. Try to listen to your breath without controlling it. Then take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Stop controlling your breath, and pray: “Breath of God, breathe on me.” Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray while you meditate.
Try to find a safe church. Fellowship with God is good, but you need fellowship with other believers too. We build each other up. Worship with your family, or start a house-church or a home Bible study. Try to do this spiritual workout (worship) every day. You'll grow stronger spiritually and you'll grow in love. Don’t just be christian on Sundays: pray every day, worship every day. Using a devotional can help. When a devotional quotes scripture, look it up and read it in context and write it down. Write down what’s on your mind.
Thanks for reading,
Rebecca <3 :)
1. warm up by listening to your favorite song. Dance around. Thank God for waking you up and for giving you joy.
2. Get a dress on, if you’re female. Other people are worshiping Sunday morning, so it will be easier.
3. Take your Bible and your favorite journal.
4. Listen to christian songs and sing along: both out-loud and telepathically. YOU CAN EFFECT CHURCH from afar.
5. Ask God what part of the Bible He wants you to read. One way to do this is, close your eyes, put your hands together, and let your soul pray. Be quiet and listen. Then pray, “:Dear Lord Jesus, Yahweh, and the Holy Spirit, please possess my hands when I open the Bible, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.” Amen means something like, “God’s will be done, so be it.” Then open your Bible and read. Write some of it down in your journal (this will help you memorize it). Try to interpret it. Read one chapter of the New Testament, and one chapter of the Old Testament. Read more if you feel up to it. Write a devotional blog if you want (basically a written sermon).
6. Listen to christian songs again, singing along, both out-loud and telepathically. Meditate on the music. Sway, and be filled with Jesus’s Love. Ask Jesus to come into your heart.
7. Find a sermon to listen to online. Listen and take notes. If it isn’t speaking to you, try a different one. Try to listen for at least 10 minutes.
8. Make communion. Take out bread and grape juice. Kneel down, and pray: “Dear Lord Jesus, please turn this grape juice into your blood (communion, not real blood), and please turn this bread into your body (again, communion, not cannabilism). Then break the bread, rip a peace off, and dip it into the grape juice and eat it, and pray, “Thank you Jesus.” Kneel down and pray for your heart’s desires, for the world, for other people, ask God to heal all diseases, pray everyone that exists become perfectly good so Jesus can be the only government.
9. look up choir music. Listen to it.
10. meditate. sitting, laying down, however you want to. Focus on how the ground feels, supporting you. Focus on all the sounds you hear. Try to listen to your breath without controlling it. Then take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Stop controlling your breath, and pray: “Breath of God, breathe on me.” Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray while you meditate.
Try to find a safe church. Fellowship with God is good, but you need fellowship with other believers too. We build each other up. Worship with your family, or start a house-church or a home Bible study. Try to do this spiritual workout (worship) every day. You'll grow stronger spiritually and you'll grow in love. Don’t just be christian on Sundays: pray every day, worship every day. Using a devotional can help. When a devotional quotes scripture, look it up and read it in context and write it down. Write down what’s on your mind.
Thanks for reading,
Rebecca <3 :)
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Gifts, not diseases
is a gift from God. All people who are autistic are autistic - get rid of the
“functioning” label…low functioning, medium function, high functioning. So
what. Medium and high functioning people who have autism are still autistic.
It’s a unique part of who I am. I am not sick, I am not crazy; I’m just
autistic. Different, made from a different world - heaven. I was born here, in
means I am shy and it’s hard to talk to people, and I feel awkward and I
apologize for being myself. It means sometimes, usually blacking out, I scream
and hit my head and my legs. I rock back and forth. I sit outside on a swing in
the evening rocking back and forth. Then I swing as high as I can, and I jump
off. I’m quiet and peaceful. I shun evil - autism stops me from talking to
people who won’t accept me anyways.
feel weird, and freaky, and unique.I was made this way. It means squishy
thingies calm me down. Sometimes I just need a hug, and no one’s there because
I have walls built around me. I let my true family in. I try.
means, when I love, it’s real, because it’s harder for me. It means I’m smart,
good at multi-variable calculus even though I was never taught it - and trigonometry
- I love trigonometry and I want to learn it. It means I can be fluent in many
languages, someday. It means I’m me. it means mad-pride. I am overwhelmed with
God’s love for me. i know I will never die. It doesn’t matter if I hit my head
or cut myself occasionally. I’m not mute. Maybe I started out that way; I don’t
know…I’m a trillion something years old. I’m a cherub.
A good work out plan
Warm up: 1. run sideways, swinging your arm
2. do 20 high tuck jumps. Catch your legs, and straighten them in the air
3. run around outside, in a square, 20 times
4. do spider crawls as fast as you can, up-hill. go in push up position, one arm at an angle, inside one leg, the one that's at an angle. look it up.
5. do knee-ups as long as you can.
6. stand in a standing straddle position, and do reverse toe touches as fast as you can
5. run in a square 20 times again.
6. do all of your stretches.
The workout:
1. do slow spider crawls.
2. do 30 V-ups
3. do as many push ups as you can with your feet on a raised surface
4. do 30 jumping sqauts. start with your arms veritical to the ground out by your chest, and swing them up as you jump. wear ankle weights and wrist weights
5. do 30 sit ups
6. do bicep curls into shoulder presses. If you don’t have weights, use books and ask God to make them 50 to 10,000 lbs.
6. Hold the weights or books above your head for a minute. Then hold them in starting position for a minute. rest for 30 seconds. do 3-7 sets.
7. do triangle push ups with your legs on a raised surface
8. do hollow body rocks.
9. do bear crawl jumps (go on your feet and hands, and jump your feet to your hands. do 10, rest thirty seconds, then repeat. 3-6 sets.
10. go in push up position, then move your hands out as far as you can, and hold this position as long as you can. Then go back to push up position. do this 10 times, 3 sets.
11. do as many regular push ups as you can.
Cool down: 1. repeat the warm-up to get ready to stretch. Then stretch.
2. walk fast.
3. walk slowly, swinging your arms down, then up.
4. drink water and eat some vegan protein.
2. do 20 high tuck jumps. Catch your legs, and straighten them in the air
3. run around outside, in a square, 20 times
4. do spider crawls as fast as you can, up-hill. go in push up position, one arm at an angle, inside one leg, the one that's at an angle. look it up.
5. do knee-ups as long as you can.
6. stand in a standing straddle position, and do reverse toe touches as fast as you can
5. run in a square 20 times again.
6. do all of your stretches.
The workout:
1. do slow spider crawls.
2. do 30 V-ups
3. do as many push ups as you can with your feet on a raised surface
4. do 30 jumping sqauts. start with your arms veritical to the ground out by your chest, and swing them up as you jump. wear ankle weights and wrist weights
5. do 30 sit ups
6. do bicep curls into shoulder presses. If you don’t have weights, use books and ask God to make them 50 to 10,000 lbs.
6. Hold the weights or books above your head for a minute. Then hold them in starting position for a minute. rest for 30 seconds. do 3-7 sets.
7. do triangle push ups with your legs on a raised surface
8. do hollow body rocks.
9. do bear crawl jumps (go on your feet and hands, and jump your feet to your hands. do 10, rest thirty seconds, then repeat. 3-6 sets.
10. go in push up position, then move your hands out as far as you can, and hold this position as long as you can. Then go back to push up position. do this 10 times, 3 sets.
11. do as many regular push ups as you can.
Cool down: 1. repeat the warm-up to get ready to stretch. Then stretch.
2. walk fast.
3. walk slowly, swinging your arms down, then up.
4. drink water and eat some vegan protein.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
We are the
The shadows
lingering in the dark
Somewhere there is
a light, a solemn place where you are accepted
We are accepted
for who we are
Starchild, blaze
Boom into the
moonlit night
You have to be
chosen to get into the Olympics,
Well I’d rather be
creative, Starchild, bright face
I don’t want to
I want to inspire
Unchosen, but
chosen by God
To light up the
Fly homeward,
We wander in the
Lights are far
Where is the hope
He promised?
Where is the love
my soul yearns for?
Starchild, be
The gymnast you
No need to
compete, let it be a show
Do it for joy; don’t
try to be the best
The ones who aren’t
Are the ones who
aren’t corrupted
They’ll pick her
But God wants us
to be champions.
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