Saturday, August 13, 2016

I'm not an addict (WARNING) (for kids and teens who find my blog)

      I'm an archangel. I'm not an addict. When I was cutting myself, I was able to instantly stop without any help when I was ready to stop. DON'T START. It's addictive. It CAN help you, but if your parents take you to a hospital, the hospital will steal your childish faith from you. You don't have to grow up. Pray to be a child forever. Pray to become an angel or an archangel. A cherub.
      Cutting is dangerous. You can get infected, or accidentally cut too deep. I'm not human, so I heal really really quickly. Plus, I'm not an addict.
    DON'T DO DRUGS. They are dangerous and harmful and poisonous. JUST WEED. It's NOT a drug. It's an herb and a flower. The brain might make DMT, I'm not sure. If it does, it gives you a peaceful calm. If it's not real, then it's God giving me a peaceful calm.
      Love yourself the way God loves you. Accept yourself the way you are. You are NOT fat or ugly. Let your inner beauty shine through. You are beautiful just the way you are. DON'T FAST, unless your motivation is to please the Lord and to seek enlightenment (realizations/revelations). Don't starve yourself. Become a vegetarian if you want - too much animal protein can cause cancer. Avoid GMOs and eat organic. Eat six small meals a day, or three medium meals and a healthy snack. Lift weights (it raises your metabolism) and do cardio (run, or jump around) and then stretch. Try to do side-splits and front-splits. Try gymnastics. It gives you muscles you never knew you had.  Gymnastics changes people: it makes your soul leap like a dove. It gives you wings. It's an archangel sport. Only angels, faeries, and archangels can keep the wings.
      DON'T drink alcohol. It is poison. It's a drug; cannabis isn't. If your parents are against it, wait until you leave their house, UNLESS you have a chronic disease, like cancer, hep C, or MS. It heals all those diseases perfectly. It's IMPOSSIBLE to be addicted to weed. Ganja, as I like to call it. Green is good. Listen to the song "Green smoked to black" by Rebelution. It says, "Much respect to all the people thinking green, not just the color but the message inbetween." RESPECT cannabis. Don't abuse it, or use it just to get high. That's okay, but it's better to meditate or write or talk to God or finally be honest with your soulmate. Don't just lay there high. Talk to Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Replace the bad drugs with cannabis.

That's it for now,
Rebecca xoxoxoxo <3 :)

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