Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sorry I've stopped making posts for a while :)

So, its been a long time since I've been on here. I'm going to wing it.

Meditating on the Holy Bible. When I remembered my faith, i started with Mathew. I read the first five paragraphs, and then started over at paragraph 2. And I kept doing this until I felt like I really understood it.

Close your eyes, and pray God opens up your Bible to the part He wants you to read with your hand. Open it and then read it until it touches your heart. So, I closed my eyes, and I opened right to Mathew. I'm reading 1:18. It's about the birth of Jesus. Joseph had a dream where an angel told him (and perhaps it wasn't a dream; he just felt dreamy) that Jesus put Himself in Mary as a baby without sex. So, because Joseph learned about this, he did not break up with Mary. The Holy Bible says, "But  he [Joseph] had no sexual relations with her before she gave birth to her Son. And Joseph named Him Jesus" (Good News Bible, Mathew 1:24)

There are two Marys. The first one is Mary Magdalene, married to Simom-Peter. The other one is Jesus's mom, Mary. She doesn't have a last name.

My eyes were led to Mathew 3. John the baptist said, "Turn away from your sins," he said [possessed by God], "because the Kingdom of Heaven is near." (Mathew 3:2) It's the second coming. The first coming stopped, but at the second coming, God goes to earth visible, bringing all the murderers and evil British cops and rapists to hell and changing Earth making it better. He's making Heaven better too. Heaven always stretches: God makes more land on heaven.

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