Thursday, November 30, 2017


I had the same dream I always have. I am back in Pittsburgh and my mom is there. She says she is going to leave. I really believed I was somehow living in both Pittsburgh and Maryland. Then I thought I would go home and take a bus to downtown Pittsburgh and walk to Oakland, PA.

Another dream I had. My mom was teaching martial arts to kids. The girls were wearing dance leotards and tutus instead of gis. The boys  were wearing black t shirts and black pants. Then I was in the  wilderness and other things happened.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Spiritual warfare || poetry

I am not okay
demons are in my brain, inside of me, attacking me
I want to fight it without psychiatric drugs.
Can I be that strong?
Writing can be therapeutic
Writing can change the world
Writing can heal the world
Can I be that big, that strong?

I am not okay
Terror, anxiety
Lost somewhere, cold outside
Dreary day